Saturday, April 19, 2008
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Friday, April 18, 2008
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Monograph No. 01
DEFINIION OF THE WORDS "inductive and deductive"
APRIL 2008
Throughout history humans have tried to find answers to questions about reality. Philosophers seeks sense of the world: Why? Since science provides explanations about what is (facts). Knowledge are two walking together from the beginning of human thought as the first philosophers wondered about topics in physics: What is nature? What constitutes the movement? So the first physicists were philosophers and vice versa.
What is science?
Science attempts to find solutions to problems around us from a rational dimension (developing hypotheses) and supported by empirical data (testing the hypothesis by experiment).
Types science.
response to the way you work, there are different kinds of science: Science
formal : dealing with the structure or form of thought. Work with abstract concepts, are the mathematical, physical, logic. Empirical Sciences
: working with observable facts and divide: in Natural Science (refer to events or things of nature, examples physics, chemistry, biology) and social sciences (are intended relations between human beings if history examples.)
Objectives of scientific knowledge.
three goals.
- explain or understand.
- Predict future events.
- manipulate reality to suit human interests.
science components.
Facts and problems: these are the things that science wants to explain.
Experiences and experiments: the experiences are the raw facts, phenomena that is without question the individual. The experiments are tests designed by man to obtain a correct answer to a question.
What is a method ?
The word comes from the method Greek words: meta (with) - ll (via), which are interpreted: the way forward. Therefore, method means etymologically traced a path that leads to knowledge of the truth in a safe, prompt and easy. As Patrick said Hopkins "is the ordered set of processes that must use the human spirit in the pursuit and demonstration of the truth.
The scientific method.
The scientific method as we know it today , emerged in the late sixteenth century and early seventeenth century. It is a golden period of science in the context of a new cultural environment, artistic and philosophical. Three great figures stand out as representatives of new proposals metalog.
Bacon introduced the inductive method (Empirical Studies). It is based on observation.
Descartes introduced the deductive (formal sciences). It is based on the logical relations between statements.
Galileo introduces the hypothetical-deductive (empirical sciences). It is based on empirical testing from the testing of the consequences of the hypothesis.
What is the purpose of the method?
The method is intended to give effect to the task of research, checking validity as easy as possible, saving time and effort, and provide greater assurance of reaching scientific certainty. There are several methods used to conduct science inestigaciones, the following will expose some of the methods used:
induction and deduction.
We must bear in mind that in any area of \u200b\u200bscientific interest lies in power hypotheses, laws and theories to achieve a wider and deeper understanding of the origin, development and transformation of the phenomena and not stay only with the empirical data collected through sensory experience (remember that science is not certain what that the facts speak for themselves.) Furthermore, science is interested in confronting their truths with the concrete reality and that knowledge, as stated, can not be finished, definitive, must be continuously adjusted, to a lesser or greater degree depending on the area concerned, to concrete reality which is constantly changing. In the process of going from the particular to the general and it return to the particular is the presence of two methods: induction and deduction.
1 .- Deductive Method
goes from general to particular
For example, consider the following statement: "All children can speak articulately
at 24 months of age" (usually made).
If Pepe has served two years, is expected to speak articulately (Done particular). Causes goes
Remember that a causal model is expressed as: "If X (case) then Y (effect) occurs when a deductive argument asserts eg
If I use a good technique for teaching to read (cause), then my students learn to read without difficulty (effect). Law goes to
Law "All human groups tend to be distributed according to the standard deviation"
Effect: In the early core of my school, is likely to form performance groups, Upper, Middle and Lower.
In this method, the effort is seen, for example the production of synopses, outlines and diagrams and all activities that develop from theories, principles, laws or rules of science.
2. Inductive Method.
goes from the particular to the general, for example. Noting the stories life of each of the children that make my progress (cases), find a common feature (repeat all) each learned to walk between 9 and 11 months. Then I can say that all children of this course (generally) walked before 12 months of age: The statement can have a range of more general if observing the life histories of all school children have verified that all learned to walk among these age groups. Ranging from effects to causes Recall that the causal model is: If X, then Y. For example, review the life histories of each of the 75 eighth grade students basic and observed that 25 of them are children of high academic achievement (Effect). Digging deeper into each of them, I discover that the 25 learned to read with an analytical method of teaching psycho-phonetic (cause). Unique events ranging from the principle that governs them, to rule or law. For example: Whenever you add heat to my pot of water (single event) is boiling (generally). Whenever air throw an object (a coin, a piece of stick, a stone, a handful of cotton) (individual cases) they fall to the ground, therefore, all objects are attracted by Earth's gravity (general case, law .)
induction refers to the movement of thought which goes from particular facts to statements general. This implies a shift from the results of observations or experiments (which always refer to a limited number of cases) the presentation of hypotheses, laws and theories that encompass not only the cases of those who left, but others in the same class ie generalizes results (but this generalization is not mechanical, is based on existing theoretical formulations in the respective science) and in doing so is an improvement, a leap into the knowledge to not stay on the particular facts but we seek your deeper understanding of sound synthesis (hypotheses, laws, theories).
You can say that the conclusions reached through induction may have a character, which increases to wave that increases the number of particular facts under consideration. Importantly, induction procedures only allow relationships between empirical facts (empirical laws), to formulate theoretical laws that explain to those, it is necessary to rely on other existing theoretical frameworks of science concerned.
For example, to set the l ey expansion in bodies, is part of a demonstrated truth or a cause known: c alue. Observed experimentally how and l water, going from liquid to solid takes up more space, how to expand the gases or how for a ball through a metal ring of equal diameter, once the ring has been heated in a fire. Through these and other observations, leads to the formulation of the law. (Spencer, Guidici 1964).