Ok, I have a hard time decide, but I did ... I'll confess something: the arrival of December and all that implies ... I get stressed!
I must admit that for several years did not feel that emotion and unleashed this madness that makes people go running to the first sales of Christmas items in September-October.
If I put the decorations on the door of my apartment was out of sheer peer pressure ... I admit it. Have your neighbors every day asking innocently, are not you going to put Christmas decorations?, Is something no soul, yoga and meditation for more than you do, hold on.
I will illustrate more or less as it used to be my face in the last days of November:
"Is that time of year already? mmmm ...
But you know that things change, feelings mutate, life evolves and if you have a friend like Jackie (remember her?), Because there it does change. .. or change.
She is, as I told the last year, a single photographer. His shots are images with soul. Added to that, my friend has a holiday irrepressible passion. I believe that within it there is a Santa Elf installed. To be more specific, and not content with spreading the virus to an extraordinarily happy with (I can not find a better definition, sorry) pictures, decided to issue a kind of Christmas mini parallel to its online workshops.
The point is that Jackie in the mini class not only takes you to learn to shoot in this holiday season but I inoculated with the Christmas spirit. Grinch half, I have been evolving in this week of classes towards a person who sees with eyes other adornitos Christmas and I even get to move the lights (especially when served after take them out after a year of confinement). But I'll still need to take steps towards it.
These are some of the things I've photographed these days. More will come, of course, because World Tour and have Click & Go to Christmas as the theme this month.
I'll keep soaking the Christmas spirit and looking pretty pictures to keep putting bricks in my life in construction. For now, finishing this post I start to put the Christmas tree. Not bad, eh?