Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Apology Email To Boss

Money Magazine Interview: "Social inclusion no puede consistir en ser obrero toda la vida” , Darío Montoya Mejía

Until recently, the Seine was perhaps one of the most questioned official entities of the country. With firmness and dedication, Dario Montoya, its current director, has managed to transform and political stronghold that became the center of higher education in Colombia with .398 5'202 students. Montoya spoke with Money Magazine about how these changes have been made, Good News contains some excerpts of the interview.

What can you do to not return to the schemes of the past? The Seine must shield him ... What we want is to change the conditions of the boys to become useful productive citizens and workers who can perform professionally in whatever profession in which to play. Likewise, we insist that our trainees are free thinkers, with critical skills to become leaders and entrepreneurs.

The country needed to develop a strip of technicians and technologists, but no one was doing it. In the Seine are convinced that this should be the base of the pyramid of the country. In other words, an apprenticeship with access to new technologies, global thinking and concept of leadership. It was not possible que se siguiera creyendo que la inserción social consiste en ser obrero toda la vida. El SENA de hoy actualiza permanentemente los programas porque las competencias de desempeño cambian con el avance de la tecnología. Nuestros muchachos son expertos en software, diseño, lectura de planos, uso de sensores, señales y control.

Para poder conocer cuáles son las necesidades que tiene el país, contamos con 68 mesas sectoriales que se reúnen frecuentemente con empresarios, entidades educativas, gremios, gobierno, trabajadores y centros e investigación. Adicionalmente, las empresas más grandes tienen un jefe de cuenta que está en contacto permanente con los administradores de las mismas para attend to them properly. Between 2003 and 2007 have increased by 311% the number of professional technicians and technologists SENA graduates. In virtual training has also been great progress. Zero students in 2002, we 2'059 .384 currently and plans are to reach 3'000 .000 in 2010. Virtual English, which is free, like all our programs, we have registered 52,455 and is projected to reach 500,000 per year.

How quickly find jobs SENA alumni? From quarterly monitoring we do to the graduates, we have seen that 80% are working and in this, 80% are doing related activities with training. Furthermore, the impact assessment training graduates entitled reflects the formation of the Sena improves employability potential by 9% higher than the rest of the workforce, achieving an effect on their income 10% higher than those of others were not formed in the Seine.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

35mm Film That Looks Old


work very good performance to this day agronomist Tafur Leonardo Calderon as deputy director of the Center Building, we wish him exist in his new appointment at the head of the Agricultural Center Buga One of the largest that has the Seine in the country.

Carrier Commercial Thermosts


fund on the platform were published undertake business plans b enefits in the second resource allocation for the fourth edition published by National entrepreneurs Between apprentice SENA is the Center of the Constitution : Lenin Fernado Lopez and his company INMAGUA , bamboo immunized with a asigacion resources of about 52,044,000 (120 smmlv recommended). It is very likely to ending this month and after the visit of interventoria be signed minutes of beginning contracts business collaboration business plans. Successes to all new entrepreneurs.
The following link will find information of all concerned: See more