Saturday, December 20, 2008

Respiration Rate Of Fish Lab


· Small farmers, partners, levels 0, 1 or 2 of SISBEN can submit their business proposals in agro-industrial production lines, agriculture, handicrafts, tourism and environment.

· We prioritize proposals submitted by organizations with greater participation of women and rural youth.

(Bogotá DC October 31, 2008)

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development through Rural Opportunities Program, invites all organizations of small farmers legally constituted and whose members belong to the levels 0, 1 SISBEN or 2, to present their business proposals in the call for the formation of Bank projects to be funded in 2009 with funds from this program.

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Andres Felipe Arias Leiva indicated that it expects to allocate approximately $ 8,000 million pesos. Proposals may be submitted between November 4, 2008 and January 23, 2009 in the secretary of agriculture department, said.

With the resources of this session, microentrepreneurs in the country that are beneficiaries will have the opportunity to identify their business building needs, defining their needs for technical services, select and hire service providers that support the development of their business.

"With the Rural Opportunities program the Government aims to strengthen the fight against rural poverty, promoting employment growth and income of the poorest families, the purpose is to support the development of best efforts rural micro-enterprise, "said Arias.

According to the Minister Arias, will prioritize the proposals submitted by organizations where there is evidence of the participation of rural women and youth by recognizing them as one of the most vulnerable sectors of the rural sector. Economic activities to be financed are within the following lines productive:

1. Agribusiness and Agricultural Chains: fruits, vegetables, animal husbandry, forestry, meat and dairy.

2. Handmade Chains: handcrafted natural fiber clothing, leather and jewelry.

3. Tourism and Environmental Chains: rural tourism, ecotourism and environmental services.

Those wishing further information on the conditions for participating in this call, please consult the website or communicate in Bogotá to mobile 2864539 or 3341199 ext. 405, also by email: .


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