Saturday, September 4, 2010

Denise Austin Boot Camp How Many Calories

Ecoladrillo grounding system construction

Concerned to find alternatives to the need for sustainable housing and sustainable over two decades ago learned how and built, bale bale houses of cob (clay with straw or zacatede) reed (a type of bamboo), adobe , set-aside rate compacted even created an advanced system to the walls with this system, we made constructs with bottles and garbage.
We are professional and honest and could not promote these construction techniques, which are wonderful but most of them are not an alternative to build in cities and some of these techniques goes up to three times more expensive to build, with baked bricks or block.
try to buy buy a press ram CINBA
for Adobe Press high strength and ca nun could make contact with the inventor or manufacturer. Our analysis and research
they told us it was the best option.
so to land our first ladrilloecologico pressed uqe did not require cooking, first we had to make our first hand press, which apart from being horrible because we did it with junk and Links Partners did it first "Peanuts" with learning arc welding welding.
Worst of all was the technology used, the first brick did not go bad, but it was five per day, adjusting the lever, leveling the top, etc. We
seven or eight different models of lever presses, fewer bad and they made some of these interlocking bricks. After we entered
hydraulic systems for pressing at this point and we were very good design machines and molds, but even increased in many compression of the bricks and slightly improved production speed ... make and take manually one by one each brick was not yet a sufficient alternative, we knew we could do something better, then designed machines to press and make four bricks at a time and eight ... up to 32 ... if it does not remove all the bricks and mechanically with any system.
But when we got to the calculation of energy to operate a large or two small hydraulic piston to compact the 32 bricks at the same time, we realized that we could not be sustainable in making a hydraulic monster devour energy.
We had to, if you make up to 32 bricks at a time, but energy efficient the hundreds of hours from research and analysis later, we realized that the solution had been with us since our first machine, if our strength and body weight, right through lever was transformed into 10 tons of pressure, because not to use the lever to transform and multiply the strength of hydraulic? simple no?
Using the elemental forces of physics have now NEWSPAPER incredibly simple and efficient. Gabriel Martinez Valdivia


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